Thursday, December 3, 2015

3rd Marking Period By Sylvia Valdez

 Intro to SketchUp :3D CUBE has how many sides? list them. What color is used to represent X, Y and Z axis?

  • A 3D cube has 6 sides. The colors used to represent the axis are blue, red and green.



                                                     Assignment #21A

In this assignment I was able to use a different software called
SketchUp. I used the shapes: rectangles, circle and triangles to
make the assignment then I filled them with a color. I really
liked this assignment because I was able to use a different software.

Assignment #21B

In this assignment I created different shapes and used the push and
 pull tool to create a 3D effect. I liked this assignment because I
was able to use a new software and create 3D shapes. I learned how to make 3D shapes
a tool.

Assignment #21C

In this assignment I used lines and shapes to create my name
instead of using the text tool. Then I filled the letters with a color and
used the push and pull tool to change the letters from 2D to 3D.
I really liked this assignment because I was able to incorporate my name
and make it 3D.
What did you learn about Google SketchUp?
I learned how to create 3D shapes. I also learned that you can do
more than just shapes, you can also make 3D letters using the pencil tool.

Block #1


                                                                    Block #2


Block #3


Block #4


 Block #5


Block #6


Block #7


Block #8

(9', 5', 6')

 Block #9


Block #10 


Block #11



Block #12

In assignment #22 I used Google Sketchup to create each block.
I learned how to apply things I learn in mathematics to create all 12 blocks.
To create the slanted sides I had to use to contribute the concept of slope.
When I created each block I learned how to identify the length, width and height
of each rectangle. I really liked this assignment because I felt like was able to use
what I learn in my other classes and incorporate it.


(Block #17)
Top View-Iris
Front View-Orchid
Side View- Purple
Arcs- Violet
To create the quiz I created the basic rectangle. Then I measured for the arcs.
I think that the quiz was very simple.

Gingerbread House- Assignment #23



To create this assignment I crated the regular shape of the gingerbread house. Then
I began to add details using the circle, arc and free hand tools. Finally, I began to color the house.
I really liked this assignment because it helped me get into the holiday spirit.  

 Assignment #24

        To create this assignment I used Adobe Photoshop. I looked for a picture for the background. Then I placed the gingerbread house on the table. I duplicated the picture of the gingerbread house. Then I went to the channels and made on of the gingerbread the red layer and the other the blue layer.  I really enjoyed this assignment because I was able to make my gingerbread house 3D.

Assignment #25

To create this assignment I used Adobe Photoshop. I created the shape of the button first
then I did many steps to create the aluminum effect. Then I downloaded the power button sign and placed it in the center. Then I put an outer glow and inner glow. Finally I created an animation. I think this assignment is interesting because I was able to create a gif.

Assignment #26

Progress as of 1/11
                                                                Progress as of 1/12
Progress as of 1/13
Final Results: 

To create this assignment I used Adobe Photoshop. I create the room then
 I created the lights.  The last thing I did was enter myself into the room. I really like
 this assignment because I was able to incorporate myself. I learned how to use Photoshop
to create a room with lights, showcasing myself.

Assignment #27

This is my last multimedia assignment. I was able to incorporate some of my
previous assignments to create this assignment. In this assignment I created a
brochure for my school. I really liked this assignment because I was able to use
the same software I used in the first assignment.   



Thursday, October 22, 2015

2nd Marking Period by Sylvia Valdez

Assignment #11


                                    In this assignment I used Adobe Photoshop. I used 3 of the skills
                                 I have learned in multimedia last marking period. I used the plastic,
                                 glass and crazy text effect. The background I used was a gradient
                                 tool. Then I inserted a picture of Alfred Lerner Hall. I really enjoyed
                                 this assignment because I learned how to use the skill I know to make
                                  something creative.

                      Inthis assignment I used Adobe Photoshop. I googled a dress and a pattern. Then
                      I did a couple of steps to emerge the dress and the pattern. I also adjusted the opacity
                      of the pattern and used a color burn effect. One thing I learned from this assignment
                      was how I design a dress on a computer. I really liked this assignment because I was
                      able to incorporate my fashion style.

                                     Assignment # 13


Food Bank's Poster:                                                 My Poster:

State the background - Solid or gradient? For this assignment I used a gradient background.
 How you created the "new" food? To create the new food I used magic wand and erased the potato and clipped the carrots in the bag.
Correctly identify the type of blending options used in this poster.
I used a inner shadow, outer glow, inner glow, Bevel and Emboss and a stroke effects for the carrot chips bag. For the food bank logo I used an outer glow effect.
I really like this assignment because it's informative and helps you choose the healthy path. My poster is similar to the Food Bank Poster because I used the same structure.
The NYC FOOD BANK Logo was used solely for educational purpose. No Copy Right infringement was intended.

Assignment #14

For this assignment I took a pumpkin and cut out eyes, eyebrows, a nose
and a mouth. Then I used the effects: inner shadow, outer glow, inner glow, gradient overlay
and a stroke to create the pumpkin's features. Then I created an outer glow outside the
pumpkin. One thing I learned from this assignment was how easy it easy to create a
Jack O' Lantern on the computer. It way easier than actually carving a pumpkin.
Happy Halloween!

To create this assignment I used a brick wall and my flag. Then I used a few filters to create
the effect. I used a Hard light blending mode on the flag. I also used a Gaussian Blur on the copy of the brick wall. I really liked this assignment because I learned how to incorporate my country's flag to create something that looks really cool. I learned how to create a cool effect using a brick wall.

  To create this assignment I followed the same steps as the previous assignment. 
The only thing that is different is that instead of a brick wall I used a picture of 
my face. Then I erased the rest of the flag so the flag would only be covering my face.
I really liked this assignment because I was able to incorporate a picture of myself and my flag.

In this assignment I used Adobe Photoshop.I learned how to take an image and make 
it look like it's actually moving. I applied a motion blur filter to the image and erased
the car so that the background is the only thing that is blurry. I really liked this
assignment because it was easy and I obtained new skills.
In this assignment I used Adobe Photoshop.To create this assignment I used the brush tool
 to select the hair area. Then I painted it black. I learned how to select an area with a
different tool than magic wand. I really liked this assignment because I learned something new.
In this assignment I used Adobe Photoshop. To create this I used a brush tool and added a
blur to my face. I erased the eyes and lips so that only the face can be blurry.I really liked this assignment because I learned how to add a soft
filtering to my skin tone.

I learned how to create so many things on Adobe Photoshop. It helped me gain new
skills. Assignment #3-18 were done in Adobe Photoshop. I learned how to make different versions of
my selfies with different filter. I learned how to create a collage representing my country.
I learned how to color with Adobe Photoshop. I learned how to use a gradient tool to create a nice
chicken. I learned how to create a glass effect, plastic, crazy effect  and photo fill. I also learned how to create a healthy alternative and a dress. Using Adobe Photoshop I learned about the endless things
I could do using my imagination.
In this assignment I used Adobe Illustrator. I used the rectangle, ellipse and round rectangle tool
for each shape. I also used a pen tool. Then I used the gradient tool for the color of the USB
drive. I liked this assignment because I learned how to create a USB drive using a
different software.

In this assignment I used Adobe Illustrator. I used the ellipse and rectangle tool to 
create letters for my name. I used different shape modes to get the desired shape for my letters.
Then i filled in the letters using a gradient tool. 

I created this assignment using adobe illustrator. Then I used different shape tools. Then I
used minus front to delete the shapes. I learned how to do something that will be helpful
on the test.

Assignment #20- Progress 11/25

                                          Assignment #20 Progress 11/30

Assignment #20- Finished Stage    

about day 1- what shapes did you make on day 1 and what treatment did you add to these shapes. How did you create a "smaller copy"?
To make the shape I used the rectangle tool and put a specific length and width. I created a
smaller copy by creating an offset path.
about day 2 - what pathfinder tools did you use with the different shapes to create the function buttons.
I used the offset path to create different shapes. Then I would put a specific radius.
about day 3 - more buttons were created. the round menu button and the number key pad... what function was used to created the gradient ring? how did you "copy" the other number keys after the first one?
To create the round menu by using the offset path. Then I filled it with different
gradient colors. For the number pad I used the offset path to create different shapes. Then
I did the following steps to make the copies " Effect > Distort & Transform > Transform, enter the following settings: Copies: 2 Move, Horizontal: 35px, leave the other values as default, click OK. After that go to Effect > Distort & Transform > Transform. Click on the Apply New Effect button and enter the following settings: Copies: 3 Move, Vertical: -27px, click OK".
about day 4 - to give the illusion of a depressed speaker we created this _____ to redefine the topography of the OVAL. then we use the ellipse shape(s) to create a mic for this phone.

what parts of the test did you have to ask Miss Wang? what did you do to solve the problem?

I had difficulties with creating the buttons. I solved this problem

by closely reading the steps and following it word by word.



This marking period I learned how to do a lot of things using Adobe Illustrator and Adobe
Photoshop. I learned how to create a flyer for my club. I learned how to create a USB drive. 
I prefer Adobe Photoshop. I think that I was able to create more assignments in Adobe
Photoshop and it seems more creative than Adobe Illustrator. Adobe Photoshop is very easy
to use.